Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Official death count 51 right now, Update: they just dropped it to 24 at 0955

expected to go up.  They found more than 100 people overnight in shelters that'd been buried by wreckage; there will probably be bodies found as this mess gets cleaned up.
Update: as of 0955 they just revised the death count DOWN to 24; med examiners office says the situation has been so chaotic that the count was too high earlier.

Video of the thing, this one starting just before it touched down

Speaking of video, the house is gone but the dog was still there.

Looking around at places for donations, I'm going to cut & paste some stuff:

Text "STORM" to 80888 for Salvation Army.
Text "FOOD" to 32333 for Reg. Food Bank for OKC Tornado.

Mercury One is taking donations here.

Salvation Army has a donation station at KFOR in Oklahoma City,
444 E. Britton Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Please DO NOT bring clothing. 
Items needed: 
- Bottled water
- Gatorade
- Wipes
- Diapers
- Baby formula
- Hand towels
- Individually wrapped snacks
- Work gloves

TheRed Cross has set up shelters in various communities. You can donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief fund here, and the organization also suggests giving blood at your local hospital or blood bank.

If you want to send a $10 donation to the Disaster Relief fund via text message, you can do so by texting the word REDCROSS to 90999.

Speaking of blood, the Oklahoma Blood Institute has offices all over the state.  Usually short on blood, more so now.  If you've got O- they'll be especially happy to see you.

Relief drop-off locations in the OKC metro area.

Home Depot donated 1 million for disaster relief, a quarter of that earmarked for Moore.
Chesapeake Energy has pledged 1 million.

 Some of the local stations with information:
Drop-off points and other news, Oklahoma Nation on FB

On critters: after the worst had passed, I went out to feed the dogs, and Security Staff(Jr.) was missing.  Bleep.  He's a bit jumpy about thunder, and there were some, ah, interesting sound effects during the tornado in Moore, and I figured he'd panicked enough to get over the fence and hide.  So I spent a while looking around the neighborhood.  No luck.

Came back, let Sec. Staff(Sr.) out to sniff around and called a few times; and (Sr.) looked into the garage with ears perked.  I could not think of anyplace he could get into, but grabbed a flashlight and found him.  The little bastard had managed to squeeze between the bike and a shelf of vehicle stuff, and couldn't get out; how the hell he got in there...  Had to move the bike a bit for him to squeeze out.

Reminded me some of the May 3 1999 tornado outbreak; while that one was stomping through THE SAME PATH this one covered through Moore, was home then, too.  Watching what could almost have been the same video from different angles.  These things are nasty.

Now, to some of the assholes playing games with this:
I never heard of Lizz Winstead; wish I never had.
And I hope the bitch pays for this for a LOOOONG time to come.

Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse: fuck you with a splintery hoe handle, you miserable little bastard.
To any other globular warmenists who want to use this to push their political views on us:
IT'S MAY IN TORNADO ALLEY, YOU MORONS.  Tornadoes happen, and sometimes they're friggin' awful.
It's not your favorite cause, it's not evvvillleee Deniers, IT'S WEATHER.  Deal with it, and shut the hell up.

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