Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Did anybody other than the FBI and DHS not know about the bombers?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sent a written warning about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds, according to a senior Saudi government official with direct knowledge of the document.
Let's see, the Russians, the Saudis.. and the dogs ate all the warnings, I guess.

The eeevillleee Koch brothers want to buy a newspaper.  Bunch of the current staff say "We'll quit if they do!"
Response: So?
Such a straw poll will just make the purchasing the paper more attractive. Just think of all the money saved on severance benefits since the Kochs will probably have to fire most of the journalists in any case.

Had a small-scale go-round a while back with someone throwing out a "One in four women will be raped in their life!" declaration; no specific study or data, just 'Go look it up, it's out there!'  So I should put this up just to annoy.


  1. Keith8:20 AM

    It's smelling more and more like an entrapment or an agent provocateur sting gone

    I was going to type "wrong", but for the art of practical politics to work, once in a while the clamorous electorate need to be shown a hobgobblin to keep them afraid and hence eager to be lead to safety.

    There was indeed a perverse incentive available as an explanation as well as the obvious and always present excuse of incompetence.

    Tin foil, moi?

  2. Keith, please ALUMINUM foil. AFAIK there never was tinfoil, at least not in household use.

    In Pirates of the Caribbean;
    "I could have beaten you in a fair fight."
    "Then that's hardly an inducement to fight fair, now, is it?"

    "If they buy, I'm quitting."
    That's hardly an inducement to not buy, now, isn't it?
