Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Californicated: Hoplophobes, gun bigots and enviroweenies united

to screw you:
The reason Assemblyman Rendon's bill would effectively end hunting and target shooting in California is very simple: federal law classifies the alternative non-lead ammunitions as "armor piercing." Such alternative ammunition is illegal to import, make or sell unless the bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) grants an exemption on the merit that it is "primarily intended to be used for a sporting purpose." So far, so good, except that the ATF has 20 or so pending manufacturers' exemption requests on their desk that are two years stale. Even if they did grant these exemptions it is important to note that alternative ammunition is more expensive to manufacture and purchase. 
California hunters, sport shooters and everyday legal gun owners are subject to an 11% excise tax paid on the sale of ammunition and hunting licenses under the provisions of the Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937. Many Californians may be surprised at the fact that these funds are earmarked for the Federal Wildlife Restoration Fund and is a primary source of wildlife conservation funding in the United States. In 2012, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported that California received nearly $12.3 million for wildlife restoration and research and was among the top in five state beneficiaries in the nation. Banning traditional ammunition will reduce the amount collected in California through federal excise taxes since ammunition will be scarcer and inflated costs will cause hunters to go to other states, undercutting the conservation money California receives.
But that's far less important than going after gun owners and hunters; screw the animals if they get in the way!

Kevin takes a look at the "Gun ownership is declining!" hopes of the gun bigots.  Short version: They wish.

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