Monday, May 06, 2013

Californicated: home of stupid and/or corruption in LE reporting

if what's being reported might injure the Preferred Narrativetm.
“We could still get data from the state police and rural authorities,” said Helsley. “The rural folks didn’t have their own crime labs, so we did the work for them and logged the data. But the cities, the ones campaigning for gun bans, didn’t want to give us data about their crime guns. The cities have the gangs and all the violent crime that goes with it. Without their data we had, and still have, incomplete information.”

"Yeah, those two blew people up, but the NRA is the REAL terrorists!"  Abysmal-level stupid from a editor.
Good thing is just about everyone in the comments is removing a chunk of his ass.

From a couple of years back but still valid: 'The Brady Act stopped this many criminals from buying guns!' line is a line of crap.

Thoughts on the NYEffingTimes-style of reporting.

Steven den Beste wrote to AoS and they printed it; good reading.
So let's be clear: Progressives don't fear guns in the hands of criminals, or not very much. It's not about school shootings, either. It's guns in the hands, and homes, of law abiding citizens that Progressives hate. Those are the guns they wish were gone; those are the guns they will try to eliminate if they can. Because those are the guns which stand in the way of them taking over.

Never forget, it's not really about guns, it's about control:
Home manufacturers are the specific target here, since the legislation refers to the alleged threat posed by "computer numerical control mills ('CNC mills'), 3-dimensional printers ('3D printers'), and laser cutting machines" in the hands of "a person who is not a licensed manufacturer."

Why I despise so many on the left: they actually give support to this miserable little bastard, and make excuses for his terrorism.  And Ayers is just full of shit:
In his talk to the crowd, Ayers mentioned that in 1970, he lost three friends in the Weather Underground, including his lover, Diana Oughton. He did not explain in his talk how they died – they were killed when nail bombs they were making in a Greenwich Village townhouse blew up.
And what were those bombs for?  They planned mass-murder at a dance at Fort Dix: a big bomb in the dance, and others outside to kill cops and EMTs.
Telling the crowd the circumstances of those deaths would have been “inappropriate,” Ayers said afterward. “Everybody here knows,” he said.
Yeah, it would be 'inappropriate' to remind people that the asshole who claims "We never killed anyone" was planning to murder a whole bunch of women and men.

Short version of Bill Richardson: "Cruz doesn't kiss ass and bow down like a new Senator should, and he doesn't want amnesty for illegal aliens, so he shouldn't be considered a real hispanic."

1 comment:

  1. "We never killed anyone" .
    This reminds me of a discussion we had in law school about whether it was moral to have lesser penalties for "attempted murder" where it was only through merest luck and advances in medical care that it was only attempted murder and not murder.
    And that Weather Underground bombing "oopsie": Why were the survivors and cohorts not charged with felony murder? making bombs and conspiring to set them off to murder people is a felony, and the deaths of Diana Oughten and others were deaths that occurred because of and during the commission of acts in furtherance of that felony conspiracy.
