Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What? Clinton's testimony was 'incorrect'?

Who could have imagi- oh hell, ALL of us.
CBS: Five House Committees (Armed Svcs, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Intel, Oversight) released interim report on Benghazi. 

Congressional Report: Secy Clinton's testimony to Congress was incorrect when claiming she was unaware of certain Benghazi security requests

Cong Report: Secy Clinton signed an 4/12 State Dept cable acknowledging then-Amb Cretz's formal request for additional security assets

Cong Report: but Clinton ordered the withdrawal of elements to proceed as planned.
Secy Clinton testified in Jan. 2013 "I didn't see those requests. They didn't come to me. I didn't approve them. I didn't deny them."

Cong Report:White House/SState Dept. Officials Altered Talking Points to protect State Dept. from criticism for inadequate security levels.
That's Atkisson's timeline for her article; Ace has a link to a Breitbart post with a lot more.

The women almost killed by LAPD finally got a settlement; now how about the guy they rammed and shot at?

Oh yeah, the cops should have only used minimal PC-Approved levels of force to catch a couple of terrorists during a running gunfight involving explosives...
Prof. O'Brien, you are a friggin' idiot.

More like him, please:
Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a conservative author, activist and the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD), has a message for Muslim Americans: Step up to the plate and work diligently to combat Islamism and extremism. Jasser spoke with TheBlaze this week about his reaction to the Boston Marathon terror attack and his views on steps that should be taken within Islamic circles to prevent further extremism.

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