Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So, Missouri, is he just not wanting to deal with the heat,

or is Long the sacrifice they hope will take the heat off?
Gov. Jay Nixon today announced that Missouri Department of Revenue Director Brian Long has resigned. The resignation is effective immediately. The Governor has named Deputy Director of Revenue John Mollenkamp as acting director of the department.

Among the links, from a few days ago
A federal agent who received information on all of Missouri’s concealed carry permit holders decided not to pursue his investigation after obtaining a readable disc earlier this year, a federal official said Friday.
Got that?  Now the update:
On Monday, the Office of the Inspector General for the Social Security Administration emailed the Post-Dispatch to reverse its position. The agency now says the disc was not readable.
Now, I'm familiar with bureaucracy, a bit, and not getting their crap together before saying something isn't unusual, but not getting something like this right?  When there's this much noise and trouble?  Seems iffy, at the least.

From the new article:
U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-St. Elizabeth, also was told Friday that the second list was readable. He held a news conference in Jefferson City this morning, discussing his own effort to look into the request for lists of all Missourians permitted to carry concealed weapons. The news conference was held before the office reversed its earlier position.
“I am absolutely furious that the (Social Security Administration) would put out false information like this," Luetkemeyer said after hearing of change in information. "They are an investigatory body and should know better than to provide information unless it is verified. I am now more determined than ever to meet with the (inspector general) in person and get to the bottom of this. This just can't happen. We are really going to go after this now.”
Which is good.  Real good.  Because
According to testimony from various hearings, Schilb was investigating Social Security fraud. He planned to compare the list of permit holders with a list of Social Security recipients to see whether anyone who had met the mental health qualifications for a concealed carry permit had also sought benefits for a mental disability.
Gee, I wonder where he got that idea?

And on the state side,
Speaking to the House Government Oversight Committee today, Replogle(MO HP) defended the legality of the release, while also promising more scrutiny and formal process in the future. His office is working to implement new policies on how to deal with such requests. He said he would be willing to work with lawmakers on adjusting state laws, as well.
Awww, isn't that nice?  He's 'willing to work with lawmakers'...

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