Monday, April 15, 2013

Since the usual suspects are blaming 'The Right'

for the bombs in Boston, this from last year ought to be copied onto a bat and then used on Tingles' head.

Oh, you hadn't heard?
Before any information was available that might indicate who is responsible for the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, Esquire’s Charles P. Pierce cautioned readers against “jumping to conclusions” and blaming the attack on “foreign terrorism.”
However, he was compelled to remind people that Monday is the “official Patriots Day holiday” in Massachusetts, celebrating the Battles at Lexington and Concord. He also pointed out that April 19, the actual date of the battles, is connected to Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh, who apparently considered himself a “waterer of the tree of liberty and the like,” according to Pierce.
Yep.  Don't jump to conclusions unless it's to blame those right-wingers.
“I’ll bet good money it’s a right-wing nutjob. Today is April 15, Boston Harbor was where the original Tea Party took place and the on-going gun-safety legislation makes it the mostly likely culprit,” commenter Linda Ginsburg wrote.
Yes, because blowing up a bunch of people at a race would be SO helpful...

The aforementioned Tingles.
Ace put it Fat, drunk and Matthews is no way to go through life, son.  I started to change that to 'Fat, stupid and Matthews' but realized the either the middle or the last  would be redundant.

Just look around; there's plenty of this crap to find.


  1. Luton Ian2:25 AM

    I suppose it depends upon how "left" and "right" are defined.

    Back in the Gorbachev days of the USSR, the BBC talked about "right wing" and "conservative" members of the central committee of the communist party, and the Soviet parliament.

    Back a little further and initial comments about JFK getting shot referred to "right wing hatred", Lee Harvey Oswald (if it was him who'd passed up the easier shot of the motorcade coming straight towards him - and managed to take the damned tricky (even for a bloody expert) shot of them crossing and passing between obstructions), was a marxoid.

    Back further still and Leon Trotsky was characterized as having become "right wing". It's certainly true that Lenin and Trotsky both corresponded throughout their adult lives with Benito Mussolini, and the took great interest in each other's "social experiments".

    not that there's any evidence of Leo, Benni, or 'Dolph having passed through the green pastures of classical liberalism on their personal journeys from the supposed "left" to what ever it is which constitutes the "right"

    Though it is interesting that while Marx (son of a successful lawyer, and went on to marry a countess, and was never out of the top 5% of incomes) and Lenin - son of the Russian gentry are considered "left"

    'Dolph and Benni were from decidedly proletarian backgrounds.

  2. markm3:15 PM

    Mussolini and Hitler were never anything like "classical liberals", but they had a lot in common with the "progressives" of their youth, e.g. Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt, including rampant racism as well as a belief in government solutions for everything. Under TR's leadership, the USA first embraced colonialism (ignoring Kipling's warning about "the white man's burden"), and created the FDA (and began the war on some drugs), as well as an investigative agency targeted specifically at political radicals that would later become the FBI. Taft re-introduced the income tax. Under Wilson, racism was institutionalized even at the federal level and the 1st Amendment was routinely violated (see the Palmer Raids).

    And the last of the old "progressives" was Hoover, an energetic proponent of relief programs, preferably funded at gunpoint (by taxes) rather than voluntary donations, who did more than any previous government to relieve an economic downturn and saw it deepen into the Great Depression. His successor FDR continued the same policies - only harder - while pretending otherwise, and misappropriated the word "liberal" because "progressive" was getting tarnished. I do give FDR credit for one thing - recognizing that Hitler was taking things too far, and dragging us into a war we'd much rather have avoided before the Axis became too strong. But between FDR, Hitler, and Stalin, the differences were not of kind, but of degree and of the extent to which other institutions restricted the executive power.

    And now that "liberal" has been ruined, they're going back to "progressive".
