Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mr. President(bad language ahead):

Fuck you, you miserable little thieving politician.

It is not your damned business to force people into a government-run retirement account; it is even less you damned business to decide for someone else what a 'reasonable level of retirement savings' is for anyone else, let alone EVERYONE else.

Who the HELL do you think you are, effing Stalin?  This crap is none of your business and I defy you to show me where in the Constitution- you know, that document you swore to uphold?- it says the .gov has any damned business being involved in this.

Get your damned hand out of my pocket- ALL our pockets- and your nose out of our lives.  You really want to give the economy a kick?  Resign.

And take Biden with you.

Sincerely, etc.


  1. Epic - and I agree completely

  2. They aren't even accounts, they're Ponzi schemes.

    The .gov will spend the money on itself, and the scheme will contain .gov bonds (promises to tax you)as "assets".

    Carlo Ponzi never forced anyone to join his scheme and Madoff never forced anyone to join his either, yet both got prison sentences - because they were fraudulent thieves.

    there's a good little biography of Carlo Ponzi here:

    I think the politicians motivations are the same as Ponzi's

    except with a twist, five years time the scheme becomes someone else's responsibility, and when it collapses, or is closed down, its creators will accuse those doing it of "stealing" retirement funds - and some of the sheep will believe them.
