Saturday, April 13, 2013

If you don't believe in evil,

look up some of the information on the Gosnell.  Just consider his picture to be a face of evil.
Because it is.

I'm not going to go over all of it, if you're interested it's easy enough to find(especially since some of our professional journalists have been shamed into actually covering it); I'd suggest having a bucket handy, as some of it will make you sick.

Also sickening is the excuse-making from said sorry excuses for reporters; some of whom are at least honest enough to confess:
But I understand why my readers suspect me, and other pro-choice mainstream journalists, of being selective—of not wanting to cover the story because it showcased the ugliest possibilities of abortion rights. The truth is that most of us tend to be less interested in sick-making stories—if the sick-making was done by "our side." 
Nothing we didn't know, we've seen the same kind of selective 'reporting' on anything liberals/progressives don't like; nice to have one of them say it outright, though.

I've gone through the abortion argument before.  My general statement has been
If you want to get an abortion, get one.  BUT
Don't tell me I have to help pay for it.
Don't try to force me to say "It's no big deal."
And the way that it's come to be seen by so many as just another method of birth control makes my skin crawl.

Still think that.  I'm also thinking "How the hell can you keep referring to it as a 'cluster of cells' when you're talking about inducing delivery and then killing what comes out?"  That strikes me as 'Say anything it takes to defend it.  No matter what.'

Speaking of- well, it doesn't make my skin crawl, it pisses me off, Obama & Co. taking blood-dancing to a new level.  Sean has a response:
It doesn’t matter how smart, articulate, warm, and bereaved you are when you are asking to demolish my civil rights. At a certain point it’s time to stand up to you directly, and forcefully, to back off.
Get away from my rights. I don’t care how bad it hurts that your child got murdered. I didn’t do it, so leave me alone. Your children were murdered by a crazy person who broke so many laws that it looked like he was going for a high score in the Lawbreaking Olympics. I know that you are in pain, but you can’t take your rage at the killer and use it to attack me.
I’m going to be called “uncivil.” That’s how the Left deals with everyone who doesn’t submit to their emotional blackmail. Well fuck them. I’m going to stick to the truth. And the truth is that I have a right to defend myself. I have a right to keep and bear arms to defend myself. And that right to keep and bear arms includes the right to own an AR15 rifle. And if you come to take away my rights, I will fight. And I won’t be alone.

It would be better for all concerned if you would go home, grieve for your murdered children, and leave the rest of us alone.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    ... and if only one teacher at that school had been able to carry a gun to exercise his right to defend himself, instead of being disarmed by policy and threat of dismissal and prosecution, then maybe there would be fewer mothers crying and complaining right now.

    If there were two teachers and a janitor who were carrying concealed, it is almost a certainty that there would be fewer dead children, and one more dead bad guy. If ten percent of the staff were armed, then that crazy punk would not have had a chance, and he would have known it, and the whole thing would have happened somewhere other than at a school.

    You want to prevent this from ever happening again? Then what you want is to prevent madness, and what you want is something that is out of the power of any man to grant. Guns, knives, gasoline, clubs, and fists or feet can kill.

    How about supporting something that will mitigate the inevitable outbreak of insanity - allow the teachers and staff to carry guns.

    Think of this - every school carries out fire drills multiple times each year. When was the last time you heard about a fatality due to a school fire? I can't recall a single one - maybe it just didn't get reported. Yet for this rare, unlikely event, we devote time, budget, training, fire alarms and extinguishers.

    When will the pile of dead kids be high enough that you can see that we need an "insanity extinguisher" in schools.

  2. Luton Ian11:49 AM

    In Britain, the received wisdom would have us believe that saint David Steel's* private members bill, legalizing abortion, protects women from the unsafe conditions of squalid back street abortions.

    needless to say, the national health service is presented as the only posible way for brits to obtain "modern" medical services

    I guess that if the state were in the business of tying shoe laces, we'd be constantly told of the immense dangers of untied shoe laces (as we're all far too stupid to be trusted to tie our own) and taught about the bad old days when all walked around with untied shoe laces, breaking necks every two steps

    naturally with a state shoe lace tying service, there'd be constant crises, and it would be constantly underfunded, because we are all too ignorant and selfish to fund it properly...

    Gosnell is hideous enough - wait for the state run service (for big cover ups of ) real sdqualor.


    David Steel was the wee fella in the spitting image "Two Davids" sketches - he blamed them for destroying his political career

  3. If Gosnell used a gun to kill these babies, boy would that make a difference... not. A murdered kid by whatever means is a murdered kid. To think abortion and especially late term abortion when there is no medical issues, is not murder, then you are immoral fool. I am not a self-righteous religious nut. Just a realist. There is a special place for these bastards.
