Thursday, April 11, 2013

First that dirtbag senator in Colorado, now the New Republic says

'Stop listening to voters, unless they say things we like.'
They don't really like this 'republic' thing, do they?

A suggestion to reform the law on suppressors creates massive PSH.
Note that they make it plain they WANT kids to be scared of guns in every way possible; which ought to count as child abuse.  Bastards.

If you live in Missouri and either CCW or care about the law, you've been screwed:
The Missouri State Highway Patrol has twice turned over the entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders to federal authorities, most recently in January, Sen. Kurt Schaefer said Wednesday.
And add this fun fact in:
“Apparently from what I understand, they wanted to match up anyone who had a mental diagnosis or disability with also having a concealed carry license,” Schaefer said. “What I am told is there is no written request for that information.”
So: Missouri HP violated state law, AND were trying to dig through what's SUPPOSED to be confidential medical records, just like in New Effing York; AND, in what can only be 'Let's not leave evidence behind' thinking, went after the medical records without putting anything in writing...
If you live there, or know someone there, you really need to pass this around and start yelling at your state reps.  This is such utter bullshit people need to be both fired and prosecuted, and not a damn thing will happen if you don't make enough noise and trouble.

One more reason we need a whipping post in the DC town square for arrogant dirtbag bureaucrats:
A 2009 "Search Warrant Handbook" from the IRS Criminal Tax Division's Office of Chief Counsel baldly asserts that "the Fourth Amendment does not protect communications held in electronic storage, such as email messages stored on a server, because internet users do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in such communications." Again in 2010, a presentation by the IRS Office of Chief Counsel asserts that the "4th Amendment Does Not Protect Emails Stored on Server" and there is "No Privacy Expectation" in those emails.'"

The Interior Ministry said thieves broke into a warehouse and stole a
huge amount of firearms and ammunition. The ministry said 20,000 U.S.-origin M-16 assault rifles and 15,000 rounds for 9mm pistols were stolen.  “There were no guards during the break-in,” the ministry said on April 7
So, do they go directly to the 'resistance' in Syria, or get traded for AKs to muddy the trail?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Psychlists need to start calling their work some name that doesn't appear on the lists of those supposed to submit records to the fatties in blue.

    and herbalists have plant potions which will do what manufactured drugs do, and with the correct knowledge you can grow them in your garden

    This has underground markets written all over it
