Thursday, March 28, 2013

This must be unpossible; I'm assured only Republicans call names

and abuse people.
Mitchell responded from his public, email account at 11:59 p.m., telling Maxwell: “Your folk never used all this sheit (sic) to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed (sic), imported criminal-minded kin folk.”
I'm sure this will all be excused as a reaction to a white guy having the insensitivity and gall to say that legislators should protect one of our basic enumerated rights.  Yeah, it's the white guys' fault.  Etc.

1 comment:

  1. Of course. He's the adult in the room. Everyone else is a VIKTUM!!!!!
    (to use the "brave spelling" version we'll all have to get used to seeing.
