Thursday, March 07, 2013

One of those cases that calls for descent into bad language

“It’s about getting people to think, really, about how much ammunition they need,” Gibson added. “It’s a step, I think, in a safer direction. It’s about getting people to think before they buy.”
Listen up, Gibson, you miserable controlling crapbag:
Fuck you.
It's none of your Deity-cursed business how much ammo I choose to buy; how much I 'need' is MY DAMNED CHOICE.  And you can take your attempt at people control, fold it to eight corners, and shove it up your ass.

Yeah, think about what she said:
She then cited a statistic from the Colorado Coalition Against Gun Violence.
For every one woman who used a handgun to kill someone in self-defense, 83 were murdered by them,” Hudak said.
That’s absurd. How could someone who used a handgun to kill someone in self-defense then be murdered by a gun? It makes no sense. But of course, after allegedly apologizing, she repeated this nonsense.
Hudak, you're a disgrace.  Exactly the kind we've come to expect of gun bigots and hoplophobes.

Among the reasons you couldn't pay me to live in NYEffingC: their police no longer think the 4th Amendment means crap.


  1. Re Hudak: And whose fault is that appalling statistic? All I can say about her and leftist antis is what Humphrey Bogart's character said in "The Big Sleep"; He (Eddie Mars, the "non-violent gangster"), would kick me in the mouth and then criticize me for mumbling." Considering the onerous AND ODIOUS laws she and those of her ilk have seen fit to burden the people with, this is a literal example of that. A situation where they've made it so burdensome for women to become armed and carry concealed, that when women risk not having the appropriate protection and die or are injured, that then becomes more evidence for claiming the futility of armed self protection and placing further burdens on becoming armed, thus ensuring that women are unable to protect themselves as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    This woman needs the anger management course credit before being permitted to open her mouth.

  2. Fruit salad statistics.

  3. "Fruit salad statistics!"
    Excellent metaphor.
    Sadly the leftist idiot professor (Wow, a threefer!) who "taught" me statistics in college did not understand that concept any better than he understood statistics.
    Now I'm just aching to use the phrase in a sentence somewhere.
    But yes, no word on whether the 83 murdered by murderers using handguns in whatever time period and geographic area selected had a gun themselves. Considering how hard it is in many states to get a CCW, not many, for sure.

  4. For every one woman able to defend herself with a handgun, 83 were unable to use or had no access to one.

    Fruit salad statistics: It's not just apples and oranges any more.

  5. P.S. Thanks to Sen Hudak and Rep Salazar, the rest of the legislature has moved away from them on the "group W" bench, and the bill has been withdrawn. Who says those folks are completely worthless?
