Monday, March 25, 2013

One more reason to stop all foreign aid to Egypt:

Khaled Said: If the revolution declares a framework for dealing with the West and America – they will accept it, kiss our hands, and double the aid they give us. We consider this aid to be jizya [poll tax], not regular aid.

Interviewer: Is this the rhetoric of the revolution?

Khaled Said: It certainly is.

Interviewer: The aid the Americans give us is the jizya tax they have to pay?

Khaled Said: Yes, it is. They pay it for the right of passage through our airspace and territorial waters.

Just in case you had any doubts of what Schumer & Co. are pushing,
If you left your home for more than 7 days, say for a business trip or hospitalization, and leave any unrelated person at home with the guns, you’ve committed a felony. This should be called the “denying gun rights to gays act.” Remember that the federal government does not recognize gay marriage, even if your state does, thanks to DOMA. 5 years in prison.
Enacts defacto universal gun registration, because of record keeping requirements.
And on, and on.

So Bloomberg thinks fines and possible jail time are 'not banning anything, just educating people.'  So would camps for repeat violators still be 'educational', or actual punishment?

If I had money in a bank in Cypress, I'd be finding someplace else for it.  Almost anywhere else.  If they can decide to steal under or around 30 percent from big depositors, they can do it to smaller ones later.  Hell, this mess STARTED with smaller savers getting a less-drastic looting, but when the screaming was too loud they decided to make a big theft from the bigger ones.
"This agreement provides the basis for restoring trust in the banking system, which is key to supporting growth," she said in a statement.
Oh yeah, this kind of theft 'restores trust'.

On the 'All Cultures Are Equal' front,
A Tunisian Salafi preacher has called for a 19-year old girl who posted her topless pictures on Facebook to be “quarantined” and stoned to death before she starts “an epidemic.”

Exoplanet hunters may have bagged the first direct picture of a planet with two suns. But the object, catchily dubbed 2MASS0103(AB)b, has a double life. It is so massive that it may also be a failed star with a relatively tight orbit around the central binary stars. Astronomers have not yet unravelled the truth.

One more promise with- well, is it a 'time limit' when he probably never intended to keep it?
President Barack Obama famously promised in early 2009 to close the US military's detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba within 12 months. But new Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is instead considering a proposal from his top commanders to spend $195.7 million renovating it and erecting a new prison building.

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