Friday, March 08, 2013

Hudak's a dirtbag, and this passes as a professor

in Colorado:

During the Monday hearing, Julie Carr, a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, said just because someone is able to meet the requirements for a concealed-carry permit, that doesn't mean they are fit to be armed.
"They are not always law-abiding citizens," she said.
Yeah, they've gone through background checks and all that crap, BUT they're so sneaky they get their criminal selves in anyway, right?
This is like Japete(who I'd bet Carr just loves) saying people with CCW permits are criminals that just haven't been caught yet.

Friggin' dirtbags.

Medieval California.  Not in any good way.

It always amazes me that some think our distant ancestors were stupid.  First, if they had been, we wouldn't be here.  Second, things turn up.

1 comment:

  1. You see, Japete knows SHE is criminally insane but hasn't been committed yet, and she also knows that everyone else is just like her, so . . .
