Monday, March 11, 2013

Colorado Democrats: Aren't they just wonderful?

...A message delivered verbally to a representative of the Colorado Sheriff’s Association basically stated that the Senate Dems are very upset with the Colorado Sheriffs opposing the gun legislation proposed by the Senate Democrats. This message insinuated that this could negatively affect the salary bill which has been delayed and put off by the Democrats with the excuse that they would expect bipartisan support. I do believe the salary proposal is being held hostage and I believe that if they’re willing to send gun control measures without bipartisan support then they should be willing to take a stand as the majority leadership and follow a democrat-created commission’s recommendations.
If any objection to my blanket 'Colorado Democrats' title, how 'bout "Colorado Democrat gun-bigots are blackmailers"?

Hey, if I can be labeled a racist/misogynist/child-murder excuser for being of conservative/libertarian bent, then I can damn well speak of Democrat blackmailers.

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