Sunday, February 24, 2013

Talked to a friend in Mustang a little earlier(west of OKC),

who had to stop by Wally World for something.  Checkout lady informed him it was a good thing he wasn't there for groceries:
Out of milk,
out of bread,
out of half-a-dozen other things.
My first thought: "It's Oklahoma in FEBRUARY, for God's sake; don't these idiots pay any attention to the weather* until the bloody day before?"


And, it being this part of the country, there's a severe thunderstorm watch down around Wichita Falls in Texas while there's a LIFE-THREATENING BLIZZARD/WINTER STORM warning north & west of here(we have only the WINTER STORM WARNING in this area).  Which would be illustrated below if the fookin' NWS illustration would allow you to save it.

Ah well.  I have a fresh bag of dog food, and most of a bottle of Scottish Holy Water, and a fair amount of food.  Plus other occasionally-useful-stuff.  Further reports to follow if the LIFE-THREATENING WINTER STORM!!! allows.

After I have a drink and some sleep.

*Yes, I know; it's still the generally somewhat-useful information available, though if that idiot on channel 4 starts screaming 'RECORD' or 'DEADLY!!' or whatever again, I may find him and throw him out a window.


  1. Media defenistration would be a generally beneficial thing, even if we have to start with the TV weather guys (The woman on KTTV in Los Angeles gets a pass from me).

  2. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Yep, thats all it is....desensitization. They want everything to be the "worse thing possible". This is too soften you up for more government control.


  3. Gerry N.4:03 AM

    When you subject the ijit talking head to therapeutic defenestration be sure it's from at least a fourth floor window. Even higher would better. And onto a comfy concrete landing pad.

    Gerry N.

  4. skidmark3:38 PM

    Food for beast and man, Scottish holy water, a carbon-generating source of heat, and good company all count for naught if you run out of TP! I know you are not going to sift through eleventy-teen inches of wet slush for a handful of soggy leaves at 10:15 (AM or PM - does not matter).

    Prioritize, man!

    stay safe.
