Monday, February 11, 2013

Oh, Tingles, you let the cat out of that bag!

Anyhow, near the end of the show came this gasper...
Guest: "Americans overwhelmingly support drone strikes..."
Chris Matthews: "...and Liberals do, too!"

Hand-to-God, he really did. To riff off that would be to gild the lily
Yes, it would.

Yes, I did read where this crap started under Bush; but I thought The Lightbringer Obama was supposed to save us from the Evil Bush policies?
And since when can some fed agency decide one of the basic enumerated rights doesn't apply somewhere in this country?

More on idiots supporting the clown making LAPD look like incompetents.

Article about Obama screwing his young supporters(as if that's new); one interesting bit:
...while the elderly (saved by Sarah "Death Panels" Palin from any serious attempt to ration expensive and often futile end-of-life care) consume far more than they pay in.
A: They couldn't be 'saved' from something that didn't/doesn't exist, and
B: They're admitting "We don't want to pay to keep old people alive, rationing is needed so they don't cost too much!"

More on what all Obama and Clinton were doing in Libya and other areas; seems like they were lying about a BUNCH of things(like that's new).

Yes, it IS too much to hope for; Obama would have to have a sense of shame to be ashamed.

More on how Obama's drone policy attacks due process.

Larue Tactical has followed Ronnie Barrett's lead; be nice if more companies did.

Oh, I like it!
Think about it--would anyone be talking about more gun control right now if the officials directly responsible for the "gun free zone" at Sandy Hook Elementary could be sued for damages due to the fact that they forced teachers to remain disarmed then failed to protect those innocent lives?


  1. "would anyone be talking about more gun control right now if the officials directly responsible for the "gun free zone" at Sandy Hook Elementary could be sued for damages due to the fact that they forced teachers to remain disarmed then failed to protect those innocent lives?"

    Indeed. If that were a private school the administrators would be liable for the consequences of their policies. THEY can't refuse you your ability to do for yourself and then f*&^ up by not providing it themselves.

  2. I'll say this about Dorner -- his politics aside, every day he keeps breathing puts the lie to the Invincibility of the Leviathan a little more firmly.

    They can't keep one ex-Navy wannabe-SEAL who didn't make a year on the LAPD from essentially murdering them at will, and they think that they are going to forcibly disarm million of Americans, many of whom a real Navy SEALs?
