Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lee Coleman, you're an idiot

as well as a gun bigot:
“You know, in the state of Missouri they’ve introduced a bill that would have actual forced confiscation,” an unidentifed off-camera individual told him.

“Well, I’m in favor of that,” Coleman replied, seemingly oblivious to the totally irrational contradiction such a position creates for someone ridiculing others for objecting to it.

“So is that a paranoid delusion that it’s an actual bill that’s been introduced?” the questioner persisted, as increasing discomfort began to register on Coleman’s face.

“Well, that’s Kansas or wherever it is,” Coleman backpedaled.

“Missouri,” his questioner corrected him.

“Same thing,” Coleman replied, turning away.

“But is that a paranoid delusion, now that it’s actually been introduced and that it actually is a piece of legislation now?” the questioner repeated himself.
“Look the a**hole was talking about congress and our president,” a visibly agitated Coleman shot back, “not Kansas … so, you know, go s*** yourself.”
GREAT way to change minds, you friggin' moron.

1 comment:

  1. paranoia. oh well they tend to be thinking of too much around them.
