Thursday, February 14, 2013

Know those Swiss mg cleaning kits?

Look like this?  Quite nice; steel rod with brass junctions that keep the steel from ever touching the bore, couple of oil/solvent bottles.  I've had one in my range servant for a long time.  One problem: the threads are metric, and don't fit any US cleaning stuff.

Which brings me to my latest(and quickest-finished) project.

Took a piece of 1/4" hexagonal brass rod left from the punch sets I made.  Squared the ends, marked center.  Happily, the Swiss rods used a standard-type thread(M5-.8) so I could find a tap(which uses a #19 drill bit); the 8x32 tap for the jags and brushes I already had.  So here's a rod section, my adapter, and a .45 jag:
Drilled about halfway with each bit, then tapped the holes
And now I can use any standard jag or brush on it
It won't work on anything under .30 caliber(unless you turn down the brass junctions), but for those it'll do the job nicely.

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