Monday, January 28, 2013

I get to eat at Chileno's again!

You might remember I'd written to them about their new 'no carry' signs on the doors.  I just received this :
After reading the e-mails that were sent to us, we have decided to change our policy on "no weapons". We have changed our signs to now say "No Open Carry". We will receive the new signs sometime next week.
We agree with your reasoning and acknowledge that we rushed into our first decision without considering the facts that have been mentioned by many of you.
Being a family friendly restaurant, we do not believe in allowing guns to be seen by children or their families while they enjoy their meals. That is why we will keep "No Open Carry" as our policy.
We are truly thankful that you took the time to write to us and let us see the issue through your point of view.
We do not want to lose you as customers and are now confident in this new policy.  We hope to see you back in our restaurants soon! 
If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you,

They read the e-mails, and they actually considered what we had to say; and they changed the policy.  What more can you ask for?


  1. I'm going to forward the e-mail part of your post to some businesses nearby which have implemented no firearms policies...perhaps it'll help sway them.

  2. Bravo! I'd prefer they not ban any kind of carry, but I can respect their position.

  3. tkdkerry6:57 AM

    It's progress, but they could lose the silly notion that guns shouldn't be seen by children and families. Maybe someday.

  4. Differ, go 'head.

    Step at a time.
    And again, at no time were they nasty or dismissive; they listened to what we had to say; definitely a Good Thing.

  5. Hmm, don't want guns to be seen by children; so I guess they are going to prohibit cops in uniform from eating there, eh?

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Who cares about those ickey open carry types anyway? They did promise to eat us (conceal carriers)last.

  7. Bob, it'd be interesting, wouldn't it?

    And from Anony, "If they don't give us everything we want, you're a sellout!"
    Bite me.

  8. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I find their policy reasonable. If they didn't permit it I wouldn't eat in a area known as a hunting preserve.
