Tuesday, January 29, 2013

From a few years back, still valid:

“Perhaps more important than the physical disarmament the government is attempting is the  moral disarmament that accompanies it. If we accept the view that the American people cannot be trusted with the material objects necessary to defend their liberty, we will surely accept as well the view that the American people cannot be trusted with liberty itself…. By disarming, we will confess to our government that we no longer aspire to sovereignty, and wish our rulers to take up this burden in our stead. We will be signaling with great clarity that we wish to be comfortable slaves — and slaves, at least, we will soon become.”
Found here, with some analysis of what the 'suspension for finger guns' crap is really about. 

It's end of January, and there's some rain outside.  Which, this being Oklahoma, is accompanied by a tornado watch.
For some reason it can't just bloody rain here...

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