Thursday, October 13, 2011

Busy, so only a few things right now

Like Westlake Hardware with a Zombie center?
(found at Uncles')

From Weer'd, an opinion on Romney:
I lived in Massachusetts under Romney, as well as Deval Patrick who is more-or-less a Barack Obama clone. The difference between the two logistically is that Deval Patrick has been too incompetent in 5 years as Governor to manage to pass any relevant laws to hurt me….Mitt Romney on the other hand managed to raise taxes, pass Romneycare, and outlaw “Assault Weapons” indefinitely.

Let’s put it this way, do you think the Leftists think things are any better for themselves now with Barack Obama in the white house, vs. George Bush?

Obama is just a Brown George Bush, and Romney is a Mormon Obama.

Authoritarians suck no matter what party they belong to, and I’m concerned that Romney might actually ACCOMPLISH something…and if you ever find yourself nodding your head to this blog, whatever Romney manages to do, you’re likely going to hate just as much as you hated the Bush shit, and the Obama shit.

More hypocrisy from the CSGV clowns.

How useless are the TSA molesters and the 'Terrorist Watch List' clowns? Read #5

And that's it. More later. Maybe much later.

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