Thursday, October 20, 2011

Among the reasons Holder and Mueller need to be

put back under oath and questioned REAL closely:
Other ATF communications make the DOJ’s claim that there was no third weapon even more suspect:

In one, an intelligence analyst writes that by 7:45 pLink.m. — about 21 hours after the shooting — she had successfully traced two weapons at the scene, and is now “researching the trace status of firearms recovered earlier today by the FBI.”

In another email, ATF-Phoenix Deputy Director George Gillett asks: “Are those two (AK-47s) in addition to the gun already recovered this morning?”

The DOJ seems once again to be blocking reasonable inquires into their own conflicting stories, and attacking the investigators.
Gunwalker: The Coverup continues.

Also, from Sipsey Street:
A third gun linked to "Operation Fast and Furious" was found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, new documents obtained exclusively by Fox News suggest, contradicting earlier assertions by federal agencies that police found only two weapons tied to the federal government's now infamous gun interdiction scandal.

Sources say emails support their contention that the FBI concealed evidence to protect a confidential informant. Sources close to the Terry case say the FBI informant works inside a major Mexican cartel and provided the money to obtain the weapons used to kill Terry.

Unlike the two AK-style assault weapons found at the scene, the third weapon could more easily be linked to the informant. To prevent that from happening, sources say, the third gun "disappeared."

1 comment:

  1. Great post, really informative with stuff I've not seen elsewhere. Thanks.
