Friday, September 10, 2010

Well, the brain cells finally jarred out of neutral, so I'll write a bit

Starting with this:
A recent study from the Department of Justice estimated that 25 percent of college women will be victims of rape or attempted rape before they graduate within a four-year college period.”
Which sounds flat horrible. Except
Indeed, nearly 50 percent of the “rape victims” referred to in the report said they had not been raped.

The document in question, “Acquaintance Rape of College Students,” by attorney Rana Sampson, is not a study but rather a report combining and relying on several studies — the largest of which remains problematic.
According to Gilbert, the SVCW study results found a rate of rape that was 10 times higher than when the methodology for the National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS) was used. Namely, “the National Crime Victimization study had a check to make sure that the codes [or definitions of rape, force, etc.] of responses reflected the interviewees precise description. The SVCW study did not use this type of control on coding,” Gilbert explained.

In the SVCW study, researchers asked subjects to explain what happened to them and then decided, using their own definitions, what was and was not rape. The study defined rape in exceptionally wide terms: “Forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force. Forced sexual intercourse means vaginal, anal or oral penetration by the offender(s). This category also includes incidents where the penetration is from a foreign object such as a bottle. Includes attempted rapes, male as well as female victims, and both heterosexual and homosexual rape. Attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape.”

The inclusion of the phrase “psychological coercion” as part of the definition greatly increased the number of “victims.”
If you're thinking this sounds like the nutcase-feminist crap that's been heard before, you're right:
In an interview with TheDC, Sampson made no distinction between violent rape and regret after seduction. “Rape is rape is rape,” she said. “I think that the kind of harm that one experiences during rape is not something we want to belittle.”
So this boob rates "I had a lot to drink/a few tokes/was horny last night, and I wish I hadn't slept with him" same as actual forcible rape. Which is absolute crap, but the standard 'feminist' line the past years(can't tell a female "Then don't be stupid in the future", after all): Men Bad, Women Victims Always.

Hmmm. "We'll show muslims burning bibles and American flags, but we will NOT show someone burning a Koran."

If these people are guilty, hang them.
The information charges that Bristol Alloys supplied metal and components to a Northrop-Grumman Shipbuilding subcontractor that didn't meet Navy specifications from 2004 or earlier through about October 2009. The materials included metal for pipe flanges and piston tailrods. Bristol Alloys and Bullick are accused of altering test reports to falsely show the materials met specificiations

At this point, screw Philadelphia and their sorry police department.
A week ago, Stephanie Farr of the Philadelphia Daily News reported: “In the last two years, Philadelphia police have confiscated guns from at least nine men — including four security guards — who were carrying them legally, and only one of the guns has been returned, according to interviews with the men. Eight of the men said that they were detained by police — two for 18 hours each. Two were hospitalized for diabetic issues while in custody, one of whom was handcuffed to a bed. Charges were filed against three of the men, only to be withdrawn by the District Attorney’s Office.”
And their excuse for this?
Lieutenant Fran Healy, special adviser to the police commissioner, told the newspaper that the police “err on the side of caution” in confiscating weapons and arresting people who are duly licensed.

From Lieutenant Fran Healy: “Officers’ safety comes first, and not infringing on people’s rights comes second.”

Sue them. This is one of the cases that may be the only thing that will inform these bastards that they're not free to do whatever the hell they want. Sue their and the city's ass off.
The newspaper profiled each man’s version of the story. From Oliver, 42, came this: “Last year, Oliver, who had nonresident permits from three states and an Act 235 license, was driving to his job as a security guard when police pulled over his car for allegedly running a stop sign in West Philadelphia. He said that police did not honor any of his permits and held him in custody for 18 hours, forcing him to stand outside for four hours in winter and denying him his diabetes medication.

“His ordeal eventually landed him in Mercy Philadelphia Hospital, at 54th Street and Larchwood Avenue, in West Philadelphia, before he was booked on firearms charges and held on $15,000 bail, according to court records. In less than a month, his case was withdrawn by the District Attorney’s Office, and a week later his gun was returned on a judge’s order.

“Later, Oliver obtained a Philadelphia permit to carry. As owner of the Parapet Group, a protection-and-security company, Oliver continues to teach the safety courses. Although the charges were withdrawn, they’re still visible on Oliver’s online court record.
He said that the city offered him a $7,500 settlement, which he rejected.”
Hell yes, take them bastards to court and nail their ass.

And it looks like Turkey is working to go down the islamist rathole. Wonderful.

Hey, Congressional Black Caucus: the reason so many of your members are being investigated is because they're such dirtbags.
Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.) awarded three scholarships from the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation to his stepdaughter and wife’s niece between 2003 and 2005, according to records from the non-profit group.

Bishop is the second Democrat found to have funneled Congressional Black Caucus Foundation scholarship funds to relatives, threatening to turn the program into a larger political problem for the party. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) recently paid back $31,000 to the foundation for scholarships that she improperly awarded to various relatives and children of a top staffer.

Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta
will receive the Medal of Honor. And for the first time in years the recipient is alive.

I've known some witches over the years; maybe we should see about them having words with Congress?
Nah, most of those I've known were so far left they walked lopsided; those would just to the standard liberal "Don't tax me, tax THE RICH!" crap.

No, the founders and our early Presidents weren't very fond of Islam; hey, when someone tells you "God says it's our right to rob and enslave and demand tribute of you", that's not going to make you like them.

Enough for now.

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