Saturday, September 04, 2010

Speaking of people not hearing about things,

including big battles, the discussion in comments about the China-Burma-India theater in WWII reminded me of a story:
Guy I know had an uncle in the Marines in the Pacific. The family had heard nothing for about three months and his mother was just sure he was dead and the notification had gotten lost somewhere. So they called the Red Cross who called the Marines and started a "Is he or isn't he?" process.

About two weeks later, on a little flyspeck island in the western Pacific the uncle's captain walked up, handed him a letter and ordered "Write your folks! I'm NOT going through this again."

About two weeks after that a letter arrived home, and mom ripped it open to read
Dear Mom and Dad,

War is Hell.

Your loving son,

He doesn't know if she EVER forgave him for that.

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