Tuesday, September 07, 2010

My one comment on the planned Koran burning

The same people screaming(again) and threatening death and destruction(again) because they're so offended(again) want to
kill every Jew in the world,
make every unbeliever(in their religion/social system) converted, dhimmi or dead,
commit outrages in Christian and Jewish cemetaries, etc.
and as to the crap someone put out that 'the Bible and Torah are mentioned in the Koran and thus sacred and will not be harmed', really?
so I really can't get too damn worked up over their 'outrage'.

And to the PC morons in this country having fits over it,
where were you when a clown 'artist' put a crucifix in a beaker of piss and called it art?
Where were you when an 'artist' took a picture of the Virgin Mary and put animal shit all over it?
Where were you when Jewish cemeteries were being trashed and graves despoiled by palisimians?
Where's your outrage when palisimians teach their children the greatest thing they can do is die while killing Jews?
So fuck you.

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