Friday, September 03, 2010

My emergency preparations aren't as good as I'd like,

but they do have their good points. Like waking up to no water because there's a main break in the area and having plenty to drink because of the jugs in the back room.


  1. Keith (in grumpy mode)9:09 AM

    Good job you're single!

    Any dish washing or wiping down of tops in this house involves SWMBO wandering round the kitchen with the hot tap running fullbore and 30 to 50 gallons of hot water going straight down the drain while she does so.

    She wants us to convert to a "green" furnace, tat costs more to fuel and I'll have to carry the fuel in by hand...

  2. A friend of mine sent me this - cheaper water purification

    Granted, you still need water to purify, but it beats "water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink"

  3. I wound up trying those Clorox and Lysol wipes, and I generally use those for counters and such anymore.

    'Green' furnace, the kind that keeps you warm by the effort of feeding it...

    Arthur, thanks for the link, hadn't seen that place or read that info before

  4. Keith5:12 AM

    that's about it, a pellet stove, it burns wood pellets that cost about the same or more per ton as the recent record futures price for milling wheat...

    It means I don't get the fun of playing with a chainsaw and axe, but get sent to the garage all weathers to bring buckets of pellets in. One minor advantage is we can use the pellets as cat litter as well - we're buying that in industrial quantities already.
