Wednesday, September 08, 2010

More on the Senate Committee on 'firearms in commerce' Updated twice

The politicians don't want to talk about it.
You can see the Committee members here. So far there is no word about this on Chairman Patrick Leahy's website. Nor on Ranking Member Jeff Sessions'. Nor in "Committee Resources" documents and reports.

So I started going down the list of press contacts and making calls, identifying myself, and that I wanted to find out what will be covered by the hearing so I could write about it. Leahy's press secretary is on jury duty today and can only be reached by email. Sessions' press secretary and deputy press secretary are tied up right now and can best be reached by email. I decided to try Orrin Hatch, since he has an established record that he at least understands the Second Amendment's purpose, and actually got his press secretary on the phone.

He referred me to the person I should be talking to and gave me her email address. He says she checks her Blackberry and he's sure she'll get back to me.
And on and on and 'round and 'round. "You need to talk to THIS person, not me!" and "You really need to talk to-" and "We can't really talk about this right now" bullcrap. And this:
And this comment was just left at WarOnGuns:

"After calling Cornyn, Hutchinson, and the NRA/ILA offices, I called Jeff Sessions office since he is the ranking member. I spoke to a young woman named Ivy who told me that, 'It will be about how the ATF is going to regulate FFL's.' When I asked for more details, I was instantly asked who I was with in a very aggressive tone. I told her simply a citizen whose issue is the 2nd. She offered no further details."
These people REALLY don't want us to know what they're up to, do they?

Uncle finds information that it's about the ATF Reform Act; my question is why didn't anyone want to talk about it if that's all it is? Quite possible, a lot of these clowns don't like anyone to know what they're up to even when it's something good.

Second update, from Codrea:
"This hearing is intended to examine the BATFE's practices for enforcing Federal laws against federally licensed firearms sellers and proposed legislation to make reforms and improvements to that system.

"The hearing will look at S.941, legislation proposed by Senator Mike Crapo, of which Senator Leahy is a cosponsor along with a bipartisan group of 34 other Senators. The legislation is intended to improve the regulatory process for federally licensed dealers by, among other provisions, instituting a graduated penalty system, providing expanded administrative and judicial review of agency sanctions and revocations, and directing the Attorney General to produce investigative guidelines for the BATFE. "

Now, maybe I'm being overly sensitive, but we're talking judicial review and guidelines from the HOLDER Justice department, which does not exactly give a warm & fuzzy feeling. And I still wonder why Codrea got such a runaround if it's just a Reform Bill hearing.


  1. Tap me on the shoulder and let me know when I need to start shooting.

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Garanteed there is a bunch of crap there. I believe I rewad elsewhere that one of the little lines in the bill is something about the doj determining if someone is qualified to be granted an FFL. There's a real fun thought holder the rwpp in charge of bestoing FFL's.
