Friday, August 13, 2010

Well well, such nice people in the NAACP

Reverend Gatewood is the 2nd vice president of the North Carolina NAACP Conference of Branches. He is currently serving his forth term. Prior to 2005, he was the president of the Durham (NC) chapter.

November 2009 – Gatewood Co-Organizes an Anti-Semitic “Hate Fest” Under the Banner of His Position with the NAACP

In 2009, Gatewood helped form the “Black is Back Coalition,” with the intent of holding a massive rally in Washington D.C. on November 7th. Gatewood served as the event’s official North Carolina organizer. Among Gatewood’s partners in this coalition were Abdul Alim Musa, the notorious anti-Semite and terrorism supporter who has applauded the murder of Jewish civilians (see background info here and here), and Omali Yeshitela, the longtime black separatist and self-proclaimed foe of the NAACP (whose many racist and radical statements are catalogued here).

In the over one-hundred and forty online references to the Black is Back Coalition, in every instance Gatewood uses his NAACP credentials to describe himself as a member of the coalition
And what happened at this rally?
Rapper Head-Roc referred to President Obama as a “nigger” and a “coon” in a rap he performed for the crowd. In reference to Obama inviting the police officer who arrested Professor Henry Gates to the White House ”beer summit” (the rapper mistakenly calls Henry Gates “Bill Gates”), Head-Roc says of “the Prez:” “Man, I tuned out when that nigger went the ‘coon’ route.” Longtime radical activist Pam Africa, president of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (she had also been part of the MOVE black power cult) repeatedly called Obama a “nigger” as well, to the applause and cheers of the audience (she also exhorts the crowd to “whup his ass”).

I would strongly suggest you go over to Yes, But, However! and read the whole post up there. These people are some real winners: they wanted the Duke lacrosse players jailed despite their innocence, they hate Israel and Jews, they don't really seem to think much of Obama. Here's an excerpt:
Finally, Omali Yeshitela closed the proceedings with a speech that started with an explanation of how Obama was a servant of the Jews:

“He crawled on his belly down to Miami and made a speech before the Zionists where he promised that he would give Israel the entire city of Jerusalem for their capitol. Obama did that.”

He called Obama “the negro in the Whites’ House,” and he slammed Israel and pledged to unite with the forces fighting the U.S. in Afghanistan:

“Barrack Hussein Obama wants an imperialist peace. We say, it’s not good enough to be for peace. We say, we have a responsibility to take sides in this struggle. We say, we UNITE with the struggling people of Afghanistan against U.S. military occupation. We UNITE with the resistance. We UNITE with the Palestinian people against that imperialist settler state racist reactionary white nationalist minority settler state that’s nothing but a military outpost for U.S. imperialism.”

Praising terrorists and mass-murderers, touting “Zionist plots,” and calling the president a “nigger.” And remember, while organizing and promoting this event, Reverend Gatewood used his NAACP credentials in the advertising materials (if Gatewood spoke at the event as planned, the audio has yet to be put online. That’s why I’m focusing on what I do know – his role as a planner and organizer of the event, and his partnership with hate groups in the “coalition”).

One interesting side-note: The only major mainstream news organization to cover the hate-fest was the AFP. Predictably, the extremist speakers and statements were not mentioned. Not predictably, some conservative sites reposted the AFP article unquestioningly.

Nice people, aren't they?

1 comment:

  1. Keith3:08 AM

    So, now we KNOW what the "nitwh", that appeared in comments a few weeks back, stands for.

    From reading the excerpts, the "coalition" sounds like one of the "liberation fronts" in The Life of Brian. No one else is quite pure enough to the cause...


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