Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Well, this is special

The second set of keys, the ones that vanished yesterday, reappeared.

In a window.

No, I don't. But at least they're back.


  1. Keith2:27 PM

    That's a gremlin infestation alright!

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Not gremlins, it's obviously a Troll. Leave a small gift overnight, Trolls traditionally appreciate the recognition, and lost articles will start showing up. Laugh if you will, but six million Norwegians can't be wrong all the time. I haven't lost a key or misplaced a pocket knife in over 40 years. An ounce or two of milk or a bit of gravy or frosting left out in a dish every few weeks is a small price to pay even if the cats get it. Your Kitchen Troll still appreciates the gesture as he likes cats.

    Gerry N.

  3. Marja1:14 PM

    Leave milk, and be polite when you talk about it. And never talk to it directly, they can be fickle.
