Monday, August 16, 2010

This is promising

I degreased, washed and hit the receiver, inner receiver and lever with solution this afternoon and hung them up. Without checking the weather forecast. We've got a fair chance of rain, and not knowing if that'll turn into showers or bleepin' storms, decided not to leave them out. And hanging stuff like this in the house has had a tendency toward, ah, messy situations in the past. So I checked them- all darkened and starting to show rust- and set some water boiling, then dunked them all for five minutes, let them dry(doesn't take long when they're that hot) and oiled them. Here's the receiver after cleaning up,and after this first treatment
Yeah, it's lousy photography; it's late and I'm tired. It came out a very even color all the way 'round, same for the other two pieces. So tomorrow I can find just what to expect in weather and then degrease and swab & hang again to get them darker. I think this is going to work out quite well.

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