Monday, August 23, 2010

This does point out a difference between religious groups

Christians and Jews and pagans and such face some bit of bigotry or blatant disrespect, they protest; history seems to show far too many adherents of the Religion of Submission go straight to 'threaten death and destruction'.
One jihadist website vowed to conduct suicide bombings in Florida to avenge the Koran burning, while others predicted an increase in terrorist recruits as a result of such actions.

"By Allah, the wars are heated and you Americans are the ones who...enflamed it," says one such posting. "By Allah you will be the first to taste its flames."

You know, I think one big reason we haven't had a bunch of suicide bombers- aside from the fact that some LE agencies really do do their jobs right- is that a lot of the group leaders realize exactly what kind of reaction they're likely to get. But all it'll take is one leader who doesn't care, or some freelance jihadi clowns, to commit the acts. And the storm will break.

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