Friday, August 27, 2010

The only half-decent shot I've gotten of them

The camera keeps focusing on crap in the background instead of what it's aimed at. Yes, I have a manual. No, I haven't figured out why. Going to fiddle with it and try again later.


  1. wolfwalker6:31 PM

    What kind of camera? Does it have the ability to move the focusing point?

  2. Knotthead7:24 PM

    Get close. Compose your shot. Be still and wait for them to come. This shot required less than a minute.

  3. AndyJ1:20 PM

    I finally got to count these little sugar addicts. Well almost. In the morning when it is cooler, they are a little more tolerant letting more eat at the stations. The other morning I counted a minimum of 12 and as many as 14-16. They look like flies on a pile of manure. I've gone through 22 pounds of sugar this year (I've been mixing 1 cup of sugar to 1 1/2 cups of water)and these guys are drinking 7 cups of sugar water every other day. Probably in a month or so they will start their trip down south and I'll have to increase the sugar to 2:1.

  4. Wolf, it's a Fuji. Yeah, it's supposed to focus on the object in the center, but for some reason isn't on this.

    Andy, you're using a much sweeter mix, I'll try it.

    Knott, that's a beautiful shot!
