Saturday, August 21, 2010

In today's edition of Leftists and Commies and Traitors,

Oh My! we start off with the current administration:
Via Death By 1000 Paper Cuts -

Attending the conference, two Obama Czars, Border Czar Alan Bersin, Commissioner U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Drug Czar R. Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Question: Do you feel we are adequately securing our border?

Obama Drug Czar R. Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy:

“That’s a difficult question to ask. I’ve spent a lot of time now flying, driving, being on the border then talking to a lot of people on the border. It’s incredibly difficult when you don’t have a clear definition of what secure the border means.
(Here's a hint, dumbass: it means illegal aliens are stopped from crossing, or caught and thrown back out; easy, isn't it?)
Another tidbit we learned: Bord
er Czar Alan Bersin telling the conference attendees:

Our people are the key, bi-nationally as well as each of our countries. The challenges to leave behind, the old ways of seeing the border, to stop thinking in the past. Stop thinking that the Federal government is going to come and pay for all the projects. Rather, it is devise business solutions that provide the private capacity to make these things work. Whether it is crossing the border in a safe, secure facilitated entry but to do it with private initiative rather than waiting for government handouts. What the government has to do is be responsive to a community that takes its future into its own hands. Yes, we on the regulatory side will respond appropriately but you’ve got to do this and not look to the government to do it.

So expecting the feds to do one of the Constitutionally mandated acts, protect the borders, is 'government handouts'?

Ah yes, that mild-mannered, moderate cleric who wants to build the Hamasque:
Steve Emerson has unearthed 13 hours of audio tape of Imam Rauf. Emerson and his team of investigators has spent the past four weeks going through the newly found material. Rauf is a “radical extremist cleric who cloaks himself in sheep’s clothing.”

Among the shocking revelations Emerson’s team will reveal next week — they found Rauf:

Defending wahhabism – a puritanical version of Islam that governs Saudi Arabia

Calling for the elimination of Israel by claiming a one-nation state, meaning no more Jewish State.

Defending Bin Laden’s violence
Yep. Moderate, and caring and compassionate. Except toward unbelievers and those disgusting JOOOOOS.
Ah, here's a bit more at Cold Fury

On the open traitors side, we have Code Pink: fundraisers for terrorists, enemy of the US and the kind of miserable little shits who say things like
Yet Jodie Evans and her Code Pink degenerates taunted me and made light of my son’s sacrifice telling me, “Your son deserved to die in Iraq if he was stupid enough to go over there.”
They also hang out with communist dictators and terrorism supporters(which latter group may contain some Democrats). And, for that matter please read the part in the Powerline post about Jerry Brown, running for Governor of CA:
You might call him Governor Moonbeam, but I prefer Governor Double Dip, and there's nothing harmlessly moonbeamy and charmingly hippie dippie about his doing business with Jode Evans, co-founder of the obnoxious anti-American group Code Pink and someone with a well-documented history of supporting terrorists and those countries that would do America harm. [Ed.: Code Pink raised $600,000 to fund anti-American terrorism in Iraq.]

I'm going to have to add Hypocritical Jackasses to the header to cover Prince Charles:
Now His Royal Highness has launched the Start Campaign, 20 small steps whereby the common folk can save the planet from global warming. Among the 20 are saving old paint tins and "snubbing the tub," eschewing baths for 5-minute showers (though Daddy takes baths, and a spokesman will not say whether Prince Charles does as well). We are told that "the Prince's Jaguar, Audi and Range Rover cars run on biodiesel made from used cooking oil, while his 40-year-old Aston Martin uses bioethanol made entirely from wine." Wine into fuel--almost a biblical touch, Sir! But surely raising grapes, turning them to wine, and distilling them into fuel consumes way more labor and energy than just pumping hydrocarbons from the North Sea? Well, well, if your intentions are pure .

Democrats wanting to use more of other people's money to bail out the Teamsters.

To Scottish and English Governments: Screw you, you miserable socialist bastards:
The Lockerbie bomber refused chemotherapy in a Scottish prison in an attempt to make his condition deteriorate and force his release, it was claimed yesterday. Abdelbaset Al Megrahi was believed to be terminally ill with prostate cancer when he was sent home to Libya on compassionate grounds exactly a year ago. But since his release Megrahi has responded well to a similar treatment – which is available on the NHS – and there claims that he could live another seven years.

Dr Andrew Fraser, the Scottish doctor responsible for assessing Megrahi’s health a year ago, had assured the Government that the bomber was resistant to treatment – assumed to mean that body was not responding. But in fact Megrahi chose to refuse the treatment, ITV have claimed. It is understood that Megrahi discussed the treatment with Scottish doctors but said he would only undergo it with support of his family, who were in Libya

And that's about all I can take right now.

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