Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm taking a break from cleaning boomsticks to point out why the StupidRepublican Party (updated)

is being told "Screw you" by so many:
A reliable source unaligned with either GOP senatorial campaign in Alaska, and positioned to know, confirmed for me last night that the Alaskan Republican Party (ARP) stepped up their efforts on behalf of Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the closing days of the election, going so far as to phone bank for her from the Alaska GOP's headquarters on election day.

While technically not a violation of any rules, the rules are conveniently rather slim. Grassroots Republicans I spoke to in Alaska view it as a betrayal of an open and fair primary in which the GOP establishment should not be taking sides. It also raises significant additional concerns.
Ya think maybe?
Followed by
But word is coming out of Washington that the National Republican Senatorial Committee, already in “cover their butts” mode, is intervening in Alaska to help Lisa Murkowski.

John Cornyn, Chairman of the NRSC, has been upfront that the NRSC will help incumbent Republicans being challenged. But there is a problem with Murkowski. I have confirmed through multiple sources that Lisa Murkowski has already approached the Alaska Libertarian Party. In exchange for putting her on the Libertarian ticket in November, Murkowski will hand the Libertarians a sizable chunk of her +$1 million war chest.

The Libertarian Party Chairman, Scot Kohlhaas, is denying direct talks with Murkowski, and says it probably won’t happen, but I can confirm conversations are still happening regarding this.

I am willing to bet that John Cornyn is sending Murkowski help without first getting a promise from her that she will not run third party if she loses
Crap like this is why tea parties haven't taken well to R-party bigshots trying to take over, or claim allegiance: and apparently the party weenies are too arrogant or stupid- or both combined- to get it. So they do this and further infuriate the base.

Yeah, it really is the Stupid Party. It hasn't gotten any money from me in a long time due to crap like this, and it looks like it's going to be a lot longer.

Update: more over at RS McCain, including
A former Republican state legislator, Halcro has disavowed any “official” connection to the Murkowski campaign, but a source in Anchorage says Halcro has masterminded the effort to secure the LP nomination for the incumbent Republican senator as a fallback option, should Miller’s victory hold up. And Halcro acknowledged to an Anchorage Daily News reporter that he is in direct communication with Murkowski.

Major national media have quoted Halcro without noting that, after Sarah Palin won the GOP gubernatorial nomination in 2006, Halcro launched a third-party vengeance campaign focused on attcking Palin. He finished with 9% of the vote, and subsequently launched a blog which made him a “folk hero” to Palin’s enemies, according to an Anchorage Daily News article published in August 2008 — just two weeks before Palin was picked as the GOP vice-presidential nominee

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