Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hmmm... either Kent State has the worst security around

on their e-mail systems, or they're full of crap.
But I am demanding an investigation. And Kent State alumni should demand the same. In the meantime, I am using this column to repeat my other charges against Pino. After each charge I am including the defense that I predict will be forthcoming from Kent State University:

Charge: Pino has used his university e-mail account to boast of raping and sodomizing the mother of another university professor – this time using the term “c***” to refer to a senior citizen, not a U.S. soldier.

Kent State response: Dr Pino alleges that his e-mail was also “hacked” on that occasion.

Charge: Pino has sent repeated unwanted emails to other professors with a subject line that said the White House would soon need “more coffins.” This resulted, during the summer of 2009, in a Secret Service raid of Pino’s home.

Kent State response: Dr Pino alleges that his e-mail was “hacked” on that occasion, too.

Charge: Pino has sent emails celebrating the murders of 9/11 to professors on, of all days, September 11th.

Kent State response: Dr Pino alleges that his e-mail was also “hacked” on those occasions.

Charge: Pino published an article in the Kent State newspaper, which urged children to enlist as suicide bombers – specifically to kill innocent Israeli citizens.

Kent State response: Professor Pino alleges that his Microsoft Word account was “hacked” and that he never bothered to inform the student newspaper.

Charge: Pino admitted, to a Fox producer working for Britt Hume, that he has posted articles on the Global War blog spot – a terrorist website. This admission followed accusations that he posted specific bomb-making instructions, which urged readers to use the bombs to kill U.S. troops. He also admitted his involvement with the site to his then-department chair John Jameson. Dr. Jameson was fired (as chair) after letting Pino travel to the Middle East (mid-semester) for an extended stay while he (Pino) was under suspicion for terrorist activities.

Kent State response: Professor Pino alleges that his e-mail was “hacked” and that Britt Hume, John Jameson, and the dirty stinking Jews are out to get him

One of the earlier posts on Pino here

1 comment:

  1. Windy Wilson8:31 AM

    For that last one I thought you were going to say that Pino's defense was that his mouth was hacked.

    How odd; the verification word is "mulla" of all things.


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