Friday, August 13, 2010

Having the male offspring back over here brings to mind Calumet Park, Illinois Mayor Joseph DuPar

Because while lots of people in uniform are out there doing the work and not bragging, DuPar is a slimeball who lied about his record to try to push his election bid forward. And when someone called him on the lies, he sued.

Think about that. A guy had the temerity to actually call this sorry politician on his lie, so the politician and his equally slimy lawyer sue.
In a filing in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Ill., DuPar claims that his suit rests on Wilson’s duty “to refrain from intentionally and with actual malice publishing and distributing statements with knowledge that they were false and/or with reckless disregard of whether they were false or not.” As evidence of Mr. Wilson’s nefariousness, DuPar cites to a flyer that Wilson’s campaign published and distributed that read in part:
“Did MAYOR JOSEPH DuPar Really earn a Medal of Honor and Four Bronze Stars???? He has misled us in so many other areas, maybe he is misleading us again. His medals cannot be found on the Internet and the Department of Defense’s National Personnel Records Office is still looking for those medals.”

Included in the filing was a copy of DuPar’s DD214, which he seems to think proves his case regarding the “Bronze Stars;” he is silent regarding his claims of having earned the Medal of Honor. In the filing, DuPar claims that “Defendant’s statements are false as plaintiff did in fact earn four Bronze Star Medals.”

However, DuPar’s DD214 shows he did not earn any Bronze Star Medals, but rather “Vietnam Service Medal w/4 Bronze Service Stars.” A Bronze Star Medal is the “fourth-highest award for bravery, heroism or meritorious service,” awarded to those “engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States.” Those awarded for valorous acts also include a “V” insignia so designating them from ones awarded for merit or meritorious service. However, Bronze Service Stars are an attachment to another medal, denoting participation in certain campaigns or multiple receipt of the same medal. While the Bronze Star Medal is an individual decoration, Bronze Service Stars affixed to a medal are not.

I repeatedly contacted DuPar’s Attorney of Record, Felicia Frazier, who refused to discuss the issue with me at that time, although she promised to call me back. Needless to say, her number has never flashed on my caller ID.
DuPar, you served. From all indications honorably and well. And yet now you lie in such a way? What the hell is wrong with you?

Yes, I've posted on this before; it needs to be remembered.

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