Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ah, the gun show yesterday

It was of decent size, and one of those where you find several things you really wouldn't mind having. And(of course) can't afford. But got some powder, Dad got powder and primers, I found some bronze brushes I needed got to look at lots of nice stuff(TWO people had K38 Combat Masterpiece revolvers, dammit, both in fine shape). Instead of maybe going back today I need to do some yard work, some cleaning in the house and some cooking(I'm starving for some reason). So just a few things to note this morning.

First, yeah, I'd say sue their ass:
But to arrest someone who is unmistakably on their own property, and doing nothing remotely illegal, is an abuse of power pure and simple. Even if it were true that Gibson was endangering herself by witnessing the traffic stop from the confines of her front porch, how could that possibly be construed as “resisting arrest” or “obstructing the police” without eviscerating everything that the concept of private property (not to mention plain old individual rights) stands for? Taking such a risk is not illegal. Doing it while occupying one’s homestead should be recognized as unassailably within one’s rights.

Since it appears that neither the police nor the district attorney’s office can be shamed into refraining from such power abuses, perhaps it will take a fat lawsuit for violations of Gibson’s (et al.) constitutional rights to get their attention
This breaks down to her not going away when ordered by the officer(neither did her neighbors who were watching) and daring to take video of the event, which seems to be the real kicker here: the officer is pissed at having his picture taken and the chief and DA are willing to screw over a citizen as a way of saying "Don't you dare take our picture while we're at work!" Which is bullshit, and needs to stop.

Second, it's not really a surprise the major media would work to downplay the event, but this is freakin' disgusting. Along with the various "It's all bad, angry white people against the coloreds" crap, and "These people don't know what they want!" Etc. Which pretty much goes to give further proof of how badly the major media is both in the tank for Obama & Co., and how much they want to crap on anybody who doesn't follow the 'elite' belief system.

Third, it appears that the cartel doesn't like the Mexican government investigating its massacres:
The body of an official investigating the massacre of 72 Central and South American migrants killed in a ranch in the northeastern Mexican state of Tamaulipas was found today dumped beside a nearby road alongside another unidentified victim, according to local media.

Earlier, two cars exploded outside the studios of the national TV network Televisa in the state capital, Ciudad Victoria. There were no casualties, but the blasts added to a growing sense of fear in the aftermath of the worst single act of violence in the country's raging drug wars

And with that, I shall now fix lunch

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