Sunday, July 18, 2010

To the GOP leadership and arrogant politicians: you keep crapping on us

and we'll make you you go looking for work, however long it takes.
Erick Erickson blogged this Washington Post item last night. His post contains an anecdote about a Tea Party favorite GOP politician mocking Tea Partiers after attending a TP rally. That happened later, while sitting in the Capitol Club. I've had off the record conversations on the topic with Hill Republicans. It's not surprising to hear one say something akin to, well, you know those bloggers, they're not very bright people, a bit crazy, with too much time on their hands. Then they'll catch themselves and say, present company excluded, of course.

and this from that jackass McConnell:
"Oh my goodness -- in the whole country is there racism?" McConnell responded when asked by CNN "State of the Union" host Candy Crowley if there was racism in the movement, as charged by the NAACP.

"I'm not interested in getting into that debate," the leader said. "...There are all kinds of things in America that make me uncomfortable, both on the right and the left."
I believe the correct term for someone like this is 'Chickenshit'.

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