Thursday, July 29, 2010

Not much in the way of gunny stuff lately;

the messed-up arm makes loading magazines, holding revolvers for loading or whatever not much fun, though there has been dry-fire practice. It is improving(the arm, not the practice), so soon. In the meantime,
Seems the most competent administration ever, let BP set up the compensation fund in a way that they can write about half of it off.

If you've got kids in school, you'd better find out what the teachers are up to besides what they're supposed to be doing; they may be involved in this crap:
Well for most teachers I believe that is the case, but for those in the NEA who are involved in “Grass Roots” organizing, they may have been influenced by a little more than reading, writing and arithmetic.

According to the NEA website, the Radical Communist Saul Alinsky’s Book, “Rules for Radicals” is recommended reading to all of their members :
” of our Association who are involved in grassroots organizing, especially Association Representatives (ARs) — also known as building reps or shop stewards — and leaders at local affiliates”
Here is a screen shot from the NEA website (Click to Enlarge):
Nice to know what the teachers unions are up to, isn't it?

Obama is headlining four Democratic fundraisers in three days and hosting another four events next week. For now he's playing it safe, holding the eight events in noncompetitive states or in a competitive place where he's sure to be embraced: his home state of Illinois.

Wednesday's fundraisers in New York are closed to the media, as was a similar event Tuesday night in Washington.
Wonder if any of our 'The People's Right To Know' major media weenies will be bothered by this? Or say anything if they are?

And finally, another piece of crap from The Obamas and the National Socialist Democrats:
It seems like a sweet sentiment – an e-mail message from a loving wife expressing a charming and fun way to wish her husband a happy 49th birthday by having thousands of people sign an electronic birthday card.
But in Washington, D.C., nothing is that simple. The wife, in this case, is first lady Michelle Obama, and the message is being sent out by the Democratic Party to people on its list nationwide.
Clicking on the link—“Will you wish Barack a happy birthday with me?” – sends you to “,” the Organizing for America Web site, which describes itself as “a project of the Democratic National Committee.”…
...But typing in your name, address and E-mail, and hitting “Sign the Card” takes you directly to another page—a donation page, which states:

“Thank you for standing alongside us, with the President. Now can you make a donation to help us take on the year ahead?”—and a disclaimer that funds would not go to political candidates. .

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