Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The level of disgust I feel for these 'law enforcement' personnel

cannot be put into words.
The District police department policy on forcible entry caused a "deadly delay" as officers waited for a supervisor outside an apartment while a mother and her two young sons were being stabbed to death inside, according to a lawsuit filed by the woman's family.
The District legal team has not contested the facts in the case, many of which were pulled from official police documents. But the city has sought to have it thrown out of court on legal grounds.

"In general, officers should seek the approval of an official prior to making any forcible entry," police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump told The Washington Examiner
And what was happening while they sought approval?
"The caller, who was obviously a child, could be heard screaming for several seconds directly into the phone before becoming silent," the lawsuit states. "After which, a man's voice could be heard saying, 'I told y'all to quit [expletive] with me.' " The 911 operator tried to get someone to speak into the phone and can be repeatedly heard saying "Hello," but no one answered, documents said.

When police arrived at the apartment they could hear a voice saying "No, stop," from just beyond the door, police records say. An officer spoke to the 911 dispatcher, who advised that the caller was "a child screaming on the phone, possibly playing."

The first to arrive was a sergeant, who waited 45 minutes for a captain to arrive and approve the forced entry, police records show. It took another five minutes for the fire department to arrive and a few more minutes for firefighters to bust down the apartment's barricaded steel door.

Inside, they found the family already murdered. Mays was in the bathroom with minor self-inflicted wounds
Just go read it. I can't type much, and I don't need to be beating on keys the way I will if I continue.


  1. And yet if there was a suspicion of someone in possession of marijuana inside, they wouldn't have hesitated to kick the door down.

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Another example of the need for your own self defense -- when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

    B Woodman

  3. Well, of course, Bob, you can flush weed down the toilet. You can't flush a couple of bodies.

    The police have no intention of protecting you. None. The Supreme Court has rules that they have no obligation to protect you. The only thing they are going to do is arrest the guy after he's done.

    And probably screw up the chain of custody so that he walks after a couple of weeks.


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