Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Insty notes a slight problem with coyotes

some in places they didn't live in the past. And points to this post, where Williamson weaves together the attitudes of liberal/progressive types towards dealing with wild animals and about guns. And home schooling, and other signs of "I want the government out of my life as much as possible." You know, the things that horrify them. He ends with this:
Just as state schooling is not about education, but about the state, gun control is not about guns: It’s about control. A citizen who can fend for himself when the predators come or the schools fail is less inclined to look to the state for sustenance and oversight in other areas of life. To progressives, that’s an invitation to anarchy. To the men who wrote the Second Amendment, it was a condition of citizenship in a free republic. It’s what free men did, and do.


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I think we should get together and fund the reintroduction of wolves in places where they used to be - like Central Park and other such northeastern locations...

  2. Slight problem: wolves, being the intelligent creatures they are, would take a good look around NYEffin'C and immediately depart.


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