Thursday, July 29, 2010

I wasn't in the best of moods to start with, so moving on to telling Spain

to kiss our collective ass is a small step.
On the morning of July 29, Spain's National Court announced that it has re-issued an international arrest warrant against three U.S. soldiers it implicates in an attack on Baghdad's Hotel Palestine, where Rodriguez and Couso, along with dozens of other journalists, were based during the Iraq war.

On April 8, 2003, one day before U.S. troops officially captured Baghdad, a U.S. tank fired a single incendiary shell on the hotel, killing Couso, a cameraman for Spain's Telecinco television station, and Reuters journalist Taras Protsyuk.
As I recall, one of the factors in the investigation was the guy pointing a camera at the troops; which in the fog of battle looked a lot like a rocket launcher. But who cares about inconvenient facts when socialist/progressive assholes have a chance to screw with Americans?
What does Spain have to do with the 2003 incident? Absolutely nothing, but that country has assumed authority to pursue politically-motivated persecutions of anyone, anywhere in the world.
And I(unsurprisingly) have assumed authority to tell the Spanish National Court to go to hell.

1 comment:

  1. Have the spaniards not leaned far left and muslim since the train bombings that put the drawers in a wad a few years ago?


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