Friday, July 30, 2010

I just had Hannity on, Updated

having been too lazy to go turn the radio off, and just listened to Weiner and King talking about this demonstration of hysteria.

I've heard arguments between 5-year-olds that were easier to listen to than trying to get Weiner to answer a question. Short version: the bill is primarily health-care stuff for 1st responders with problems caused by/related to 9/11 service. The Democrats decided they wouldn't pass the bill unless a bunch of Republicans voted for it. Republicans refused to play:
He points out that no such fund has been created for Katrina victims, members of the military injured or for the families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, victims of the first World Trade Center bombing, victims of the USS Cole terrorist attack, or victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing. Goodlatte and many Republicans opposed the bill on the principle that the creation of special compensation funds is not the way to help the victims
Weiner had a meltdown accusing them of everything but running puppies through blenders.

Hannity kept trying to get an answer to "If this is so important, just pass it; Democrats have enough votes to do so, so why don't you?" Translation of piles of bullshit: "We want Republicans to vote yes to give us cover." And it took him a lot of yelling and interrupting and talking over others to get that out.

As Insty puts it, the country is in the best of hands...
Update: from what I'm hearing the Democrats had some crap to help illegal aliens or immigration added onto this bill; not only did they not want to pass it by Democrats Only voting for it, some Democrats had said "I'm not voting for this bill with that crap attached to it."

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