Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I had a comment by brave Anonymous

on my previous post on Ben Jealous & Co. playing victim. I'll add this to the response:
Go to Instapundit and read this post, including these two parts:
The portions of the tape of interest to Breitbart are those in which members of the NAACP laugh at and approve of Sherrod’s initial impulse to provide inferior service to a white farmer. These NAACP members have been caught on tape condoning racism by a government official and demonstrating their own racism. Meanwhile, the NAACP condemns the Tea Party for what appears to be phantom racism.”

Sitting here catching up and into my second glass of wine, I’ll second C.J. Burch’s take on the l’affair Breitbart.

So, we’re to believe that the NAACP somehow forgot the story of history’s single example of a confessed African-American racist and her redemption in their rush to judgment?

Incongruous with my wine it may be, but, pass the popcorn.

The NAACP and their obedient little hacks in the major media are trying very hard to spin this story to make people forget about those things; and we're going to keep yelling to make sure that doesn't happen.

Anonymous, by your 'Breitbart should be jailed' crap you betray yourself as one more useful idiot(at best) or instigator of this garbage; in either case, screw you. And the bigoted progressive little pony you rode in on.

Added: Gateway has a bit more on the bullcrap from Jealous:
We are appalled by her actions, just as we are with abuses of power against farmers of color and female farmers.

Her actions were shameful. While she went on to explain in the story that she ultimately realized her mistake, as well as the common predicament of working people of all races, she gave no indication she had attempted to right the wrong she had done to this man.

The reaction from many in the audience is disturbing. We will be looking into the behavior of NAACP representatives at this local event and take any appropriate action.

We thank those who brought this to our national office’s attention…

But, President Jealous forgot to mention one thing.
He was in the audience. If you listen to the Sherrod’s speech at Annual NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner in Georgia in March you’ll here her thank her guests and…
“The President who is with us tonight.”

Well the president certainly didn’t get up and lecture the audience about their disturbing reaction to the speech, did he? If President Jealous is going to investigate the disgusting audience reaction at this NAACP event he may want to start by looking in a mirror.

And this from Dan Riehl:
In both the full video and a 3 minute excerpt I produced, Sherrod labels the entire Republican Party racist, claiming they simply can't stand to see a black man in the White House. She also characterizes totally legitimate political opposition to ObamaCare from average citizens as mean and ultimately racist in the end. Had some previous Bush appointee called the Democrat Party a bunch of race-baiting hucksters, or poverty pimps - putting black citizens in that camp, too - there is no way said official would be able to keep their position. Yet, that is precisely what Sherrod did, only it was Republicans and her political opponents she so openly smeared.

Added: ref the "Breitbart edited it!" claim,
...So we asked Andrew Breitbart, the founder of Big Government, why he hasn't posted the full video.

"I don't have it," Breitbart told TPMmuckraker in an interview. Breitbart said his source sent him just the edited clips at first, but is in the process of sending the full video.

Breitbart said he'll post the full video, if he can get permission from the video production company who filmed it for a local NAACP chapter. He also maintained that he didn't edit the clip and that it was sent to him already edited

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