Thursday, July 01, 2010

I guess the police in Maryland have been taking lessons from

the Brits.
"Are you saying sir, that in a public place, I have to ask permission of every person in my picture? I don’t. I know the law.

However, when you’re asked to stop photographing children, that then becomes a little bit of a grey area.
Well, if it’s a grey area, why am I being detained?
You’re not being detained.
Why did he prevent me from leaving?
You were acting silly. ...You were running around.
I wasn’t running around. I was walking away from your officer ...when he grabbed my arm, twisted it, and tried to grab my camera.... Can I have my ID back? ... I’m going to carry on working in this area.

At the moment, in this area they are trying to form up the parade, safely and securely.
They are welcome to do so, and I’m trying to do my job.
Under what law am I being detained? I’m allowed to have free movement because this is a public place...Under what law am I being detained? ....

Tell my why I'm being detained.
You're not. You're able to leave... that way."
Etc. ad badge-heavy bullshit.

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