Monday, July 19, 2010

Have to point to a couple of things before I hit the shower

First, the bigot at USDA has resigned:
The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after published its initial report on the video, that Sherrod had resigned.
I'm guessing the chances of any punitive action are about zero. Unless, of course, some honky farmers who realize they were screwed over file a suit. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Another thing that pisses me off: she makes a big deal in the video of What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him,” she said. Assuming he actually did ANYTHING, I wonder if it occurred to her that he was trying to buck himself up? Having to come to them for help, lot of farmers I've known would be galled mightily by having to. Of course, to someone like Sherrod ANYTHING from a white guy would be a sign of racism...

And Breitbart says he has more video coming of similar racist bullshit from/in the NAACP.

Second, remember the union thug slapping at a tea party protester?
Yup. Mike Griffing was CNA’s 2009 Director of Collective Bargaining, with a salary of just under $164K. I was not aware that you could make this kind of money by going to anti-Whitman rallies and sneak-attacking people who have had the effrontery to put you and your group on the public record! Clearly we all picked the wrong career path.

Last, I'm very much with Insty on the "You can't record US!" crap from LE:
“So then the question is, ‘Are the words of a police officer spoken on duty, in uniform, in public a ‘private conversation.’ And every court that has ever considered that question has said that they are not.” Police have no expectation of privacy. They certainly don’t recognize any such in the rest of us. And prosecutors who bring such charges should lose their jobs, and maybe their law licenses. Law enforcement officials who are afraid of public accountability do not deserve their offices, or our respect or deference. Act like a thug, expect to be thought of as a thug.
About sums it up.

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