Friday, July 30, 2010

Ever wear a sling in hot weather?

It sucks. But if I don't, I tend to use the hand/arm when I shouldn't, so... Look for intermittent/no posting over the next week or so, between the difficulty and general "Crap, I've got a lot to take care of!"

So, to take care of today, some of the current BS on Rep. Rangel(Corrupticrat Deluxe-NY) here, here and here. Personal observations:
I'm sick of hearing people in both parties talk about what a 'sad day' this is because "Ol' Charlie is such a pleasant guy", etc. Bullshit. He's a corrupt politician who's stayed in office this long in part because of idiots making excuses for him.
Second, ever notice this crap: “Sixty years ago I survived a Chinese attack in North Korea and as a result I haven’t had a bad day since,” Rangel told reporters earlier Thursday. Every time that bastard is called on something, sooner or later- usually VERY soon- he brings up "I served in the Army in Korea!", apparently considering that a shield against having to face people calling him on his corruption. Hey, Rangel, I don't give John McCain a break because of his service; so why the hell would I give a slug like you one?

Second, the US Citizenship and Immigration Service is playing games to try to work amnesty for illegals without going through Congress(God forbid the bastards in the House and Senate should actually have to make a vote they'd have to answer for). This kind of garbage is why I've wondered if there are enough lampposts to take care of the politicians AND the bureaucrats doing crap like this.
Basically they claim that the Draft memo is just a way to “internally” discuss Ideas and that they have no intention of doing Deferred Action on the entire Illegal population.

The Key Word there is …..”Entire”

Why I'm very glad the son isn't in Afghanistan right now:
Former presidential adviser Karl Rove has also noticed the fecklessness of Obama’s Afghan war policies. Rove made a particularly pointed comment in a recent Wall Street Journal article about the Afghan war press conference held between Britain’s new Prime Minister David Cameron and the president. Rove noted that, “neither leader uttered the word ‘victory’ or ‘win’ or any other similar phrase.”

As Rove observed, neither the American nor the British people have the slightest idea what the objective is with Obama’s Afghan war policy. Is it to defeat al Qaeda? Is it to defeat the Taliban? Is there any intentions to defeat anything, win the war, or make Afghanistan safe for average Afghanis? What are Obama’s goals in Afghanistan?

I think his goal is "Pretend I actually care long enough so it doesn't look like I wanted to cut and run the whole time."

What kind of idiot thinks it's a good idea to put out idiocy like this?
"Where is Grimm's money coming from," said Jennifer Nelson, McMahon's campaign spokesman. "There is a lot of Jewish money, a lot of money from people in Florida and Manhattan, retirees."
I mean, that's an amazing level of "FAIL!!!" right there. AND stupid. And in New York? Jeez.

Oh, bleep.
The Coast Guard has gathered evidence it failed to follow its own firefighting policy during the Deepwater Horizon disaster and is investigating whether the chaotic spraying of tons of salt water by private boats contributed to sinking the ill-fated oil rig, according to interviews and documents.

Coast Guard officials told the Center for Public Integrity that the service does not have the expertise to fight an oil rig fire and that its response to the April 20 explosion may have broken the service’s own rules by failing to ensure a firefighting expert supervised the half-dozen private boats that answered the Deepwater Horizon’s distress call to fight the blaze.

An official maritime investigation led by Coast Guard Capt. Hung M. Nguyen in New Orleans is examining whether the salt water that was sprayed across the burning platform overran the ballast system that kept the rig upright, changing its weight distribution, and causing it to list
Obama has repeatedly blamed BP for the spill, telling the nation in a televised Oval Office address on June 15: “We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused.” A day later he pressured BP to set aside $20 billion to pay economic damage to the region.

But in the critical first days after the explosion, the new report reveals the U.S. Coast Guard disregarded its own firefighting policy and might have caused the oil rig to sink -- prompting the leak that resulted in the largest oil spill in U.S. history.

Evidence unearthed by reporters Aaron Mehta and John Solomon shows the cash-strapped Coast Guard broke its own rules and didn't have a firefighting expert on the scene to oversee the private boats battling the blaze. There's an ongoing investigation to determine if the salt water sprayed on the burning oil rig caused it to sink

And on that note, I'm done.

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