Friday, July 02, 2010

As Uncle says, Mark Karlin displays a whole lot of stupid,

and out in public where all can see.
If you think the 5-4 partisan hack decision denying the City of Chicago the right to ban handguns is about guns, you're wrong. (It's the same 5-4 GOP block -- with some face changes -- that put Bush in the White House and bestowed Corporate Personhood in the Citizens United Case, in short a radical right activist majority of judges.)

It's about white males in America feeling threatened by becoming a minority and the gun is their last psychological reassurance of entitlement power against an encroaching demographic change in our democracy.
The fact that the lead plaintiff, Otis McDonald, is a black man, is apparently of no consequence to Mr. Karlin. Karlin also fails to bring up Justice Thomas' concurring opinion, stirringly describing the Fourteenth Amendment's intended role in preventing the forcible disarmament of freed blacks. Courtland Milloy wrote, for the Washington Post:

Referring to the disarming of blacks during the post-Reconstruction era, Thomas wrote: "It was the 'duty' of white citizen 'patrols to search negro houses and other suspected places for firearms.' If they found any firearms, the patrols were to take the offending slave or free black 'to the nearest justice of the peace' whereupon he would be 'severely punished.' " Never again, Thomas says.
The gun bigots just can't stand it; and when they hit this level they lie. And slander. Because it's all they've got.

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