Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The arm still doesn't work right

but things have eased off a bit; the meds appear to be helping. I'm still limited on typing, so:
Oliver Stone attempts to shake off some of the pile of half-rotted marfi that landed on him for his idiot statements; I don't think it'll work. "I didn't say what I said" doesn't work anymore with anyone but his progressive friends.

The New York Effin' Times plays the same game: "The tea party didn' t actually say those things, but we'll keep hinting they're responsible."

Stone and the Journalist weenies. I like this part:
...They’re just all too dumb to realize that, when you get as far Left as Stone, the antisemitism stops being coy little references to capitalism, Israeli imperialism and Palestinian victimhood. Instead, it becomes the active antisemitism that travels from Chavez’s attacks on Jewish businesses, to Stalin’s periodic kangaroo court purges and suppression of religion, to Hitler’s final solution. (And I mention those three Leftist antisemites here because Stone specifically speaks of them as either admirable or misunderstood, or both.)”

Awww, it's 'traumatic' to be a corrupt politician and actually be investigated...

Obama/Holder buttkissers are working to slime Adams:
Then Dionne writes this passage that amounts to one big lie:

Now, Adams is accusing the Obama Justice Department of being “motivated by a lawless hostility toward equal enforcement of the law.” This is racially inflammatory, politically motivated nonsense — and it’s nonsense even if Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh talk about it 1,000 times a day. When an outlandish charge for which there is no evidence is treated as an on-the-one-hand-on-the-other-hand issue, the liars win.

Nonsense? No evidence? There is Adams’ sworn testimony naming names and at times dates; unless he perjured himself, that is evidence. There are the lengthy reports of the going-away speech by Adams’ colleague Chris Coates, a longtime civil rights activist who once was a lead lawyer for the ACLU. (The only reason Coates’ own testimony is not sworn is because DoJ refused to let him testify…

And, just to keep following this crap,
Adams’ latest exposé on the DOJ’s failure to protect military voting rights is here.

Ma'am Boxer really is a piece of work, isn't she?

The .gov wants to protect people from paying too much tuition. No, not at Colleges, you moron, they don't mind it there...

And I have to note, mowing the yard with one arm isn't a lot of fun.

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